Friday, February 17, 2012

One Wish...

So this guy is walking along the beach in California and he notices a bottle has washed up on the beach.  He picks it up and tries to clean it off when out pops a genie.
The genie says "I will grant you one wish....anything you want"  So the guy says, "I've always wanted to just get in my car and drive to Hawaii.  So, build me a bridge so I can get in my car and drive there anytime I want to"  The genie says, "Oh, my that would be the most difficult engineering feat of all time.  2,000 miles of ocean, the hurricanes, the Tsunamis, the debth of the ocean,  can't be done"  So the genie then says "Is there anything else, anthing else at all I could do for you.  Well, they guy thinks for a moment and then says "Well the only other wish I have is to understand women.  You know, how they think, what drives them, why the act the way they do.  Then the genie looks at him and says,  "So how wide do you want that bridge"