Sunday, November 22, 2020

STUDENT: Sir can I ask a question?

Teacher: Yes!

Student: how do you put an elephant inside a fridge?

Teacher: I don't know.

Student: it's easy. You just open the fridge and put it in. I have another question!

Teacher: okay ask!

Student: how to put a donkey inside the fridge??

Teacher: It's easy you just open the fridge and put it in.

Student: No, sir! You just open the fridge to take out the elephant and put it in.

Teacher: ohhh.. Ok!

Student: let me ask another one. If all the an8imals went to the lion's birthday party, and one animal went missing, which one would it be?

Teacher: the Lion of course! Because it would eat all the animals.

Student: No sir, it is the donkey because it's still inside the fridge.

Teacher: are you kidding me?!

Student: no sir! One last question.

Teacher: ok!!

Student: If there's a river known for deadly crocodiles and you want to cross, how would you?

Teacher: There's no way, I would need a boat to cross.

Student: No sir, you just swim and cross it because all the animals went to the lion's birthday party.😃😁

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Hal yang ditakuti jin


KYAI  : "Hai jin..apa kamu takut sama orang yang rajin ibadah..?

JIN  : "Tidak, jaman sekarang keliatannya aja ibadah..tapi masih suka korupsi, nipu, fitnah, makan hak orang...dan lain-lain, gimana saya mau takut ?"

KYAI  : "Terus kamu takutnya sama siapa ?"

JIN  : "Terus terang sekarang ini saya takut sama tukang jahit keliling....."

KYAI  : "Lha kok bisa....emang kenapa?"

JIN : "Coba aja Kyai baca tulisannya.....


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