Friday, February 22, 2013

Honey Do's

This week I am at home & playing house husband. My wife left a list of things I need to do. This is soooooo easy I thought I would share it with you. 1). Make the beds-- What a waste of effort, we're only going to sleep in them again tonight. Forget that - Scratch one.

2). Pick up dog poop in yard-- It snowed last night, I don't see any dog poop, kids do you see any dog poop ? - Scratch two.

3). Drop your shirts off at the cleaners-- Duhh I'm on vacation I don't need them. Scratch three.

This is easy, what's the fuss. Think I'll go on Web surfing for awhile.

4). Clean out Tupperware cabinet-- Uhhhh that's a hard one. GOT IT, velcro on the door will keep them closed. - Scratch four.

5). Mop kitchen floor-- The dog licked up that sugar spill from breakfast, floor looks clean to me - Scratch five.

Good doggie go play in the yard. She just loves rolling in the snow.

6). Find something fun for the kids to do-- That tinfoil in the microwave thing was kinda fun - Scratch six.

This is way too easy I'll have lots of time for Web surfing.

7). Vacuum the carpets-- That's a hard one-- "Hey kids, wanna have some more FUN?" - Scratch seven.

8). Feed kids lunch-- Hey kids, don't you have a friend's house to go too ? YESSSS - Scratch eight !!!!!!

9). Clean out hallway closet-- Hmmmm another hard one. That's it, take enough out of the closet to close the door. Outta sight outta mind. Hmmmm this other stuff can go under a bed - Scratch nine.

Boy O Boy am I good! Lunch time. Pour some chili into the cracker bag & eat. Taaa daaa - no lunch dishes !!!

10). Do laundry-- no problem I can do that while I'm on the Web - Scratch ten.

11). Fold laundry-- (dang, can't do that while I'm on the computer) Ya know I never noticed how many pink things this family actually wears. Gonna have to ask da little lady why she buys me pale pink underwear?? Check this out a cashmere Barbie sweater, cool. - Scratch eleven.

12) Put the laundry away-- Baskets in bedrooms work for me - Scratch twelve.

This is way too easy. Wonder why women always complain about house work???

13). Water the Christmas tree-- Ooops! good thing the carpet is absorbent - Scratch thirteen.

14). Grocery shopping, Buy toilet paper-- These old newspapers will do, besides, that's recycling & that's good for the earth-- Scratch fourteen.

15). Pick up the kids -- Yeah right; we're talking about my kids here. Parents will normally pay to drop them back off. They'll be back - Scratch fifteen.

Wonder who's in the Chat Room. Awww, I have plenty of time.

16). Make dinner-- Easy, "Hello. Do you deliver ? uhhh double that, Ya know we will need more dinner tomorrow" - Scratch sixteen.

17). Clean out the dog house-- duhh the dog sleeps in our bed, Like that needs to be done - Scratch seventeen.

WOW all done. Still time for some Web surfing & a nap-- Man this is sooooo easy. Women must complain about house work just to make us guys think they're working. Wish I was a chick